Gambia Business Directory
 Transport     Shipping     Banjul Airport
Clearing & Forwarding    Couriers

Consignment Shipping to Gambia

Federal Express
Banjul capital
...worldwide and was established in 1973. It employs about 15,664 and delivers to around 123 countries. Tracking numbers are available to keep track of your consignment...
DHL Express
Old Jeshwang, Banjul area
...when you ship your consignment. Your goods geographical progress can then be checked via a computer on the internet....
Jarnor Freight Forwarders
Birmingham, UK
...mainly on sea and air freight from the UK. In addition, the company will provide its services to Hydra Trading and many other potential companies that use them for their import / export cargo....
 Transport        Shipping
Clearing & Forwarding     Couriers

Above you will find each company's information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area, ksmd, of the western coast region of West Africa.

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