Gambia Business Directory
Home & Garden    Household Furniture
Kitchens    Kitchenware

Utensils Distributors in Gambia

Sankung Sillah & Sons Ltd
Kanifing Industrial Estate, 3 Sankung Sillah St.
....manufacturing plastic products such as PVC plumbing,  polythene tubes, & electrical piping as well as other household utensils...
Sunu Kerr Ltd
Banjul, Serrekunda
...sells wholesale and retails the following items: Food, drinks, kitchen utensils, household appliances....
Tajco Gambia Ltd
Kairaba Avenue, Banjul
...They also operate a chain of supermarkets...On the top floor they sell non-food items such as napkins, toys, furniture, sports equipment, flowers, kids toys, shoes, cutlery, kitchen utensils...
Home & Garden

Above you will find each companies' basic information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region in West Africa.

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