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Child Protection Alliance - Gambia

Contact Address:

Child Protection Alliance
Banjul area Head office
Atlantic Road
Fajara M Section
Booster Station
TANGO Building
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa

Tel no: +220 4498154  /  9929421


The CPA which was established in Banjul on the 26th April 2001 is a nationwide grouping of almost 50 institutions focused on the promotion and preservation of children's rights in Gambia.

• Child Protection (Sexual Abuse; Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Child Sex Tourism and Child Trafficking)


• Rights promotion & participation

• Violence against children

Prior to the formation of the CPA the important work of non-governmental organisation charities advocating and protecting children's rights was most often un-coordinated with little effect being felt on the ground from various disparate efforts.

It had become apparent that even though The Gambia was a signatory of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1990, the treaty was not properly promoted within the general population. At the time the rights of the child was not accorded due weight and featured fairly low on the political landscape. National statutes which did deal with children's welfare were quite varied and sometimes in conflict with one and other and none and not one was in line with the UN CRC.

Child protection was a novel idea with little knowledge about it among community leaders and the professional class. Child sexual abuse and youth exploitation were not well publicized or well understood and little field work had been done in the area.

As a result of the above the Child Protection Alliance of Gambia was founded to fill the vacuum in child protection and rights and to promote and sensitize people and increase understanding of issues pertinent to children. It also lobbies for adequate legislative changes to address issues of concern and follow-up on their effectiveness.

The CPA also actively encourages the participation of children on issues affecting them. To this end it created the a child spearheaded advocacy group called the 'Voice Of The Young' which acts as a forum for all children and uses peer counsellors. It actively engages the media, politicians, policymakers as well as promoting their rights in Gambian society.

The CPA is also engaged in awareness training and capacity building for youth to make them less vulnerable to exploitation.

Participating Government Institutions:

Ministry of Health & Social Welfare

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Trade, Regional Integration & Employment

Ministry of Tourism & Culture

Ministry For Basic & Secondary Education

Participating Organisations:
ActionAid International The Gambia

• American Embassy (Human Rights Development Project)

• Association of Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism (ASSET)

• British High Commission

• Dutch Embassy – Dakar

• ECPAT - International

• ECPAT - Netherlands

• Gambia Police Force

• Gambia Tourism Authority

• National AIDS Secretariat

• Plymouth Banjul Challenge

• Responsible Tourism Partnership

• Save the Children Sweden West Africa Regional Office

• Terre des Hommes – Netherlands

• UNICEF - Banjul

• Volunteer Services Overseas

Just off Kairaba Avenue, behind the War Cemetery, Bakau.
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